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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Queer migrations: gender(ed) identities and belonging in the cinema of Serbia and GreeceΖαχαροπούλου, Αικατερίνη
2024Gendered counterterrorism: examining legal and political approaches to prosecution and punishment of women terroristsΚαρταλά, Νικολίνα
2024Women as perpetrators of sexual violence in armed conflict. Historical and legal aspectsPapanikolaou, Evrydiki-Maria
2024Transnational migration and family ties: a comparative studyΑθανασίου- Διαμαντοπούλου, Σοφία
2024The LGBTQI+ community in the Greek legal order. Development of the legal protection provided by the Greek laws. Harmonization of the national legislation with the European legislation (Council of Europe and European Union)Συμεωνίδου, Ελένη
2024Child soldiers in the 21st century. The case of the democratic Republic of Congo - legal and sociopolitical perspectivesΞανθοπούλου, Μαρία
2024Propaganda and the Second World War. The cases of Great Britain and Germany.Σερέτη, Μυρτώ
2024Women in the armed forces: history, current status and comparative perspectives across EuropeΚενανίδου, Ραφαέλλα
2024The role of women in the construction of peace in conflict zones under the UNSC Resolution 1325: insights from the Israeli- Palestinian conflict.Bouri, Stefania
2024Terror and revolution: the succession of revolutions by reigns of terror as a tool for regime change or regime preservation and empowermentΠαπαστόικου, Ελένη
2024From crisis to resilience: unveiling experiences and voices of Ukrainian refugees in GreeceΚαραμπουϊκίδης, Ιωάννης
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