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Author: Kalogianni, Christina
Title: A methodological framework for risk assessment and analysis of land borders. Case study: region of Kilkis, Greece.
Date Issued: 2020
Department: Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών στις Πολιτικές και Οικονομικές Σπουδές Σύγχρονης Ανατολικής και Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης
Supervisor: Zaikos, Nikolaos
Abstract: Migration is an international, timeless, and multidimensional phenomenon. Its complexity is due to the fact that it is a phenomenon inherent in human evolution, society, economy, politics, and culture. Immigration is the movement of people to a destination country, where they do not have the nationality, in order to establish either as permanent residents or as future citizens of the country. It also brings about economic, social, political, cultural and psychological changes- impact on the host country. In 2014, an enormous migrant wave towards Europe, commonly known as the refugee crisis, occurred. Greece, being one of the main gates for third-country nationals to enter Europe, has experienced a significant migratory phenomenon, which has been incalculable in the Eastern Aegean islands where over one million asylum seekers mostly from Syria, but also from other countries followed the Balkan Route to Europe. Under these circumstances, it was considered important to explore and develop a general risk assessment framework (analysis & management) for better surveillance of sea and land borders, in accordance with the concept of integrated management of border, covering any threat that calls into question security. The operational activities of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) reflect the EU's efforts to integrate the Schengen area external border management and the establishment of CIRAM provide EU member states with the human resources and the infrastructure, taking into consideration current needs, to protect their borders adequately. To conclude, in this dissertation, the CIRAM method has been employed to identify and manage the risks likely to arise when patrols participate in the Joint Operational Activities. The analysis process data relative to irregular immigration and the cross-border crime occurred in the northern borderline of Greece with N. Macedonia.
Keywords: immigration
Refugee crisis
Border surveillance
Management and risk analysis
Cross-border crime
Information: Διπλωματική εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2020.
Rights: Αναφορά Δημιουργού - Μη Εμπορική Χρήση - Παρόμοια Διανομή 4.0 Διεθνές
Appears in Collections:ΠΜΣ Πολιτικές & Οικονομικές Σπουδές Σύγχρονης Ανατολικής & Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης (M)

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