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Author: Ψάλτη, Ήβη
Title: Refugee/Migration flows and security issues in Europe
Date Issued: 2017
Department: Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών στις Πολιτικές και Οικονομικές Σπουδές Σύγχρονης Ανατολικής και Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης
Supervisor: Ζάικος, Νικόλαος
Abstract: The present dissertation examines how the refugee and migration flows have impacted the security issues in Europe; or in other words, the way that refugee and migrant flows are securitized in Europe. It addresses the factors informing views about asylum seekers’ impact on health, economy, identity and security in Europe. However, the main question that this dissertation analyses is; whether the concerns about refugees’ and migrants’ impact on the above-mentioned thematics are actually reflective of the prevailing state of affairs or are they scapegoated for the current EU crisis and the several difficulties that occur without the adequate data to justify the condemnations.
Keywords: Refugees
Refugee flow
Migration flow
Asylum seekers
Information: Διπλωματική εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2017
Rights: Αναφορά Δημιουργού-Μη Εμπορική Χρήση 4.0 Διεθνές
Appears in Collections:ΠΜΣ Πολιτικές & Οικονομικές Σπουδές Σύγχρονης Ανατολικής & Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης (M)

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